Hey, I'm

Josh Colter

A marketing leader with 15+ years experience building tech companies.






years experience


Americanos consumed
True to my last name

Personal Mission

A "coulter" is a sharp blade positioned in front of a plow. It breaks up the soil to give you a clean-cut furrow. Remove the coulter and it's like eating pizza without slicing it first: messy. Growing a business can also be messy or clean-cut. My personal mission is to create companies like a garden where exploration yields outcomes that feed and inspire.

B2B Companies Served

Specializing in results

B2B Income Isn't Boring

Sometimes B2B companies get a bad rap for being boring. You know what's not boring? Strong, dependable revenue and high exit multiples. That's the sort of boring that gets me all excited.

Get in Contact
Demand Gen

Customers are less interested in features than they are about their struggle to make progress. Let's capture demand by showing up where they look for help - from LinkedIn ads to dark funnel private communities.

GTM Strategy

Like TK Kader says, GTM is a Broadway Show that attracts people from your ICP. Clarify the market, craft a strategic message, and recruit a capable team to execute the playbook.

Content Creation

Getting attention and building trust isn't easy when attention spans are 0.6 seconds. The secret: mix channel trends with proven copywriting methods.

Case Studies

"Your advice has really helped Playlister. Our email response rate went from 1% to 2%, which helped us double our sales demo meetings."

Chris Holland
Cofounder @Playlister

"I leave every conversation smarter, more confident, and encouraged. Few experiences are more enriching than standing in front of a whiteboard with you."

Eric White
Jobs To Be Done expert and author

"I am very grateful to have gotten the chance to work with you. You are like glue for helping a team stick together, and you make the rooms you're in more creative and smart."

Wes Winham Winler
CEO, Woven